A chance to represent your constituents
Mr Arbuthnot,
As you have been my elected representative for several years and achieved nothing for me, I wonder if you might be interested in taking part in the protest against Mr Bush's visit, as detailed at:
Specifically the idea:
Baring Your Bum
If you hear of a visit to your part of town or happen to see George W Bush, bare your arse in his general direction. Don't be afraid to wiggle it about a bit and maybe even spread your cheeks; this is a political statement you're making and you don't want to do things by halves, now do you?
I would be delighted to publicise this action on your behalf.
Be sure to let me know.
Ken Phillips
Reply received 18th November:
Bum Baring
Dear Mr Phillips,
It's November. Certainly not.
You may be working on the basis that a bum in the hand is worth two in the bush, but I'm otherwise engaged (representing you - sorry.)
Yours sincerely,
James Arbuthnot