"The people who scour the internet looking for their ancestors aren’t looking for a list: they want to know who their predecessors were. What they loved, what they admired, what they feared, what they did. I don’t mean ‘did’ in the sense that I know Mr Hobson was a shopkeeper – I mean ‘did’ in the sense of the stories they made of their own lives. The random snippets they kept coming back to, replaying like a looped tape in their heads until the day the power finally shut down. " Mark Gamon Unfortunately, I can give no such information about the people listed here. This is purely information, accumulated while sitting at my computer screen, and generally stolen from the research of others. I am indebted to the many people who provided this information. Please note: I make no claims about the accuracy of this information. All readers are welcome to use it, but I suggest that you verify it independently if you wish to use it as a source of published data. Please inform me of any errors or anomalies. I used to try to maintain a list of people who had helped in collating this information. The list would be too long, and is difficult to maintain. Please excuse my laziness in doing this. Thanks to all who have helped.
I know very little about him. He was 20 when he died, and my father was only 10 when Harry was killed. I doubt whether Harry was distinguished in any way from the thousands of other boys of his age who were killed in this most senseless of all wars. I do know that in every street in his neighbourhood there were families of ordinary working class people similarly bereaved. It was the story of Harry Phillips that first caused me to become interested in family history. But, as so eloquently described by Mark below, the accumulation of data has not brought me any closer to understanding what it was like for him or his family and thereby satisfying the desire to get closer to these people. If Harry was anything like the rest of his family, he would have been kind, gentle, shy and humourous. I wish we could see an end to those human propensities which caused lives such as his to be cut short.
This section of the site is dedicated to my uncle, Harry Phillips, killed in action 13th October 1915, at the battle of Hohernzollen Redoubt near Loos in France.
I use two software packages to collate family history data. Family Tree Maker The Master Genealogist. ‘The Master Genealogist’ has the advantage of being able to select subsets of the database, and I have used this database as the source of the data on this site. In conjunction with this, I have used “Second Site”, software written by John Cardinals to produce web output from ‘The Master Genealogist’. The following sites may be of interest: