Another Official Site of
The Talke Pits Development Company
Another Official Site of
The Talke Pits Development Company
The web site of the witty, urbane and handsome Ken Phillips

My Journal

Guest Book

Guest Map

About the Author

After leaving school I was briefly engaged to Princess Tracey of Denmark. I trained as a circus dwarf, was in the Special Boat Squadron with Paddy Ashdown and Sir John Gielgud, played at outside left for Rotherham United, and was the good looking one in the 3 Degrees.

I was, for a time, Member of Parliament for East Widmerpool, and served as Junior Minister for Condescension under Mrs. Thatcher.

In my spare time I am a consultant choreographer to the RSPB, design costume jewellery for a number of international tax lawyers, and grow organic paper for the North Devon Origami Society.

I had hoped to have a career in marketing, but find that I am fluent in English.

Well, it’s none of your damn business really is it?