Another Official Site of
The Talke Pits Development Company
Another Official Site of
The Talke Pits Development Company
The web site of the witty, urbane and handsome Ken Phillips

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Keeping abreast of Technology

29th June 1999

The Director General
BBC Television

Dear Sir,
Year 2000 Compliance

I am in the process of checking my household appliances to ensure that neither myself nor my wife are inconvenienced during the changeover of the year.

My schedule for testing my video cassette recorder is for a full parallel run on the evening of Thursday,  15th July.  I wonder if you can arrange for your Midhurst transmitter to be changed to the date of Saturday 19th February 2000, so that I can record the end of Grandstand, the 6 o’clock news and the National Lottery.

Should the trial prove successful,  I will donate a portion of my expecting winnings on the pools and lottery to the BBC so that you can buy back some of the sports coverage you have lost over recent years, and stop that nice Mr Ryder from looking so embarrassed on Saturday afternoons, introducing such items as tobogganing from Mali, and yak throttling from Wilmslow.

yours in eager anticipation

K. Phillips